Everyone should be proud of me- instead of going back to sleep after my 9:30 this morning, I bought myself a double latte and continued working on my fluid lab reports.
However, the fact that I am updating my blog instead of working might negate this display of determination.
Well, at least I had good intentions...
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, January 01, 2005
2005. Wow. Where has the past year gone?
Time is beginning to pass by so so so much faster than it used to. I remember being stuck in high school feeling like I'd never get out of there, and now here I am three semesters into college feeling like my life is getting ahead of me.
2004 was decent. A lot has happened, and I feel like I'm a significantly different person than I was twelve months ago. Although I moved out to Pittsburgh in 2003, it wasn't until last year that I really got away from California and made Pittsburgh home.
I guess I could go into specifics about the past year and maybe fill out one of those silly end of the year survey things all the cool kids are doing, but I'm not really one for divulging personal details in such a public domain.
Happy new year, everyone. I hope you have a good year.
Posted by Caroline at 11:38 PM 2 comments