Friday, December 23, 2005

Back in CA. The semester ended alright- grades not quite what I had hoped, but stayed on the list so it's all good.

Last night was surreal. I went out drinking in downtown PA with Rod, Matt S, Max R, Ryan J, and KEN KRIEGER. We were out for Matt's birthday, and on the drive over we decided it'd be a good idea to call Ken even though we hadn't seen or talked to him in over 2 or 3 years. We're lucky he still has the same cell phone number.

We spent all night drinking and recounting old GRT stories and talking about what everyone is up to now. We started at Nola, where there were wayyy too many Gunn kids I haven't seen since graduation or earlier. After that, we headed over to the Irish Pub behind Pizza My Heart. All in all the night was very enjoyable.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Twenty-one. The older I get, the younger I realize I am. I thought I was so grown up at 15 and 16, and now I realize how much farther there is to go.

Friday was dinner at Rock Bottom, and then my little ponies (gin and pink lemonade) and a movie at Bloodshaw. Saturday was a holiday party followed by a hot date with 4 guys while wandering from bar to bar in South Side. The midget bar was noisy, smokey, and served weak drinks = Thumbs Down. The martini bar made a delicious cosmo, as should be expected for $9 a drink = Thumbs Up (since I wasn't paying :P). All in all, a good way to celebrate my birthday.

Finals week is halfway over. California in less than a week. I've been overly setimental and introspective these past couple of weeks. Maybe I'll elaborate later.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Quite possibly the cutest picture ever.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tomorrow I have a problem set due and an ASME event, Thursday I have two tests, Friday I have a semester-long group project due and a problem set due, and next Tuesday I have an exam which will make or break my grade. Obviously, this is the appropriate time to make a new blogger layout and browse facebook and party photos for hours on end.

This past weekend was uneventful, but stellar. I ran into Abbie (and the rest of CMU) at PHI on Friday, which was a pleasant surprise. Saturday started at Bloodshaw for cocktails, proceeded to Club Wilkins for sangria, then to South Side for peach hookah at Hkan, and ended at Tom's Diner at 2AM for greasy food along with all the drunks from the local bars.

California in two weeks. Where'd the semester go? It's scary how fast time is passing.