Monday, February 20, 2006

Mean Girls, the drinking game:
Drink when:

  • The plastics wear pink or talk on a cell phone
  • Someone says "fetch"
  • Africa is mentioned
  • Cady is pronounced incorrectly
  • A minority is shown
  • Lindsay Lohan jiggles
  • Tina Fey mentions her divorce

This game yielded 4 very drunk girls last Saturday night, but luckily our male hero was sober enough to call around and find us a ride to the ski club party. Things get fuzzy from there. I remember we continued drinking, the later ones drunk straight from a blender that L, S, and I were passing amongst ourselves. I think I spilled about as much alcohol as I consumed, and at some point became rather abusive toward Drew- He said something that I took personally, but I can't remember what it was. At around 3:30 or 4 some guy I don't know drove us home. He claimed he was sober enough to drive (I was sober enough to remember to ask), but whether he was telling the truth is questionable.

Came home and had a long AIM conversation with Andy M from SpaceX about my career plans and how drunk I was. Many misspellings and curse words were typed. How's that for professional integrity?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The summer will be spent building rockets and tanning on beaches. I feel good about this decision. Even if the company goes under in a couple of years, the work experience I'll get makes it worth it. Who needs job security when you're in your early 20's? I don't have loans to pay off or dependents to support. If there ever was a time to take a chance with my career, now is the time.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Nothing has made me felt more like a fish out of water than this whole Steelers thing. Yes, I understand it's exciting that they're going to the superbowl, but I don't feel the need to be reminded of that fact or to participate in dj-led cheers every 10 minutes on a Friday night in (what is supposed to be) an upscale club. The whole hysteria surrounding football over here is completely foreign to me. Too bad there isn't good snow, or else we'd go snowboarding on Sunday- the one day out of the year the slopes will be guaranteed to be empty.

In other news, while out clubbing we ran into my cute professor. L had all the tact in the world and asked how old he was. I had even more tact by asking if he would give me an A if I bought him a drink. I followed that comment with many exclamations of "I'm just kidding!!!!"

Thursday, February 02, 2006


This semester: 5 classes, research, lacrosse, and ASME
Spring Break: Puerto Rico!
Carnival: New York City!

Summer: Right now, it's still a 3 way fight: Spacex vs. Boeing vs. Google.

Fall semester: 3 or 4 classes, research (no lacrosse, no ASME)

Christmas: Bay Area, possibly a week or two in Europe

Jan 06: The Great Adventure: Australia, New Zeland, and anywhere else that suits my fancy

Feb/March 06: Start new job? Bum around more?

May 06: CMU graduation ceremony (yes, I will be back)